小学英语听力+阅读理解专项训练(初级)—3002 Lunch Time

        The bell rings. It is twelve o'clock.It is time for lunch. What do we have for lunch today? Wow, soup, fish, bread and vegetables. The teacher is preparing the lunch for us now. We sit quietly, waiting for our food. 

        We like to eat together with the classmates. It feels like a family.

生词榜:bell n.铃(声):; 钟(声)  ring v.响起铃声 soup  n.汤

fish  n. 鱼;鱼肉  vegetable  n.蔬菜  classmate n.同班同学

prepare sth for sb为某人准备某东西

quietly  adv.安静地  together adv.在一起


preparing, to play, waiting for, for

1. It is eight o'clock. It is time class.
2.My mother is meals for us.
3. Lucy, a woman is you outside.
4. Tom does not like with the cat.