小学英语听力+阅读理解专项训练(中级)—5031 My School Life

Passage 31My School Life

I am from England. My name is Lily. I'm in a primary school. At school I have many good friends. Wego to school from Monday to Friday, and we have fiveclasses every day. lusually go to school by bus, and ittakes me about twenty minutes.

Our school life is colorful. In our school, manyboys like playing football and basketball after class.Some girls like ball games, too. In our spare time, we often play together. Allthe students are very friendly.

Of course, as a student, our duty is to study. So a lot of students studyvery hard and make progress every day. We hope to make a contribution to theworld when we grow up.

生词榜colorful  adj. 绚丽多彩的    spare adj.空闲的,空余的    friendly adji. 友好的    make progress取得进步

contribution n. 贡献


( ) 1. Where is Lily from?
A. China.
B. America.
C. France.
D. England.
( ) 2. How many classes does she have every day?
A. Four.
B. Five.
C. Six.
( ) 3. How does Lily go to school every day?
A. By bus.
B. By bike.
C. On foot.
D. By car.
( ) 4. How long does it take Lily to go to school?
A. About two minutes.
B. About twelve minutes.
C. About twenty minutes.
D. About twenty-two minutes.
( ) 5. How is Lily's school life?
A. Hard.
B. Important.
C. Different.
D. Colorful.