小学英语阅读理解专项训练(中级)—5010 Three Boys' Hobbies

5010 Three Boys' Hobbies

Look at the three boys. They are my good friends. They all like sports verymuch.

This is Mike. He is good at football. He likes swimming. He often plays table tennis with his sister. But hedoesn't like playing basketball.

This is Jim. He likes to play ping-pong, too. Buthe doesn't like football or basketball. And his favouritesport is swimming.

This is Tom. He doesn't like table tennis. Football is his favourite sport. Heis also good at swimming. And he often plays basketball on Sundays.


hobby n.业余爱好table tennis 乒乓球favourite adj.特别喜爱的

练一练:根据短文内容用like和be good at 的正确形式填空。

1.   2. 3.
4.. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.