
Passage 27 An Outing

Father: Today is Sunday. Tom, I wouldlike to take you to the park.

Lucy: Can I go, too?

Father: Oh no. You must look after yoursister. And your mother is at work.

Lucy: I can take my sister to the park, too. She can play gameswith other children.

Father: OK. Go to your bedroom and put on your new dress in the box.

Lucy: OK.

Father: It's about nine o'clock. Let's go.

Lucy and Tom: All right. Let's go.

生词榜: look afte r照顾    put on  穿上    dress  n.裙子;衣服    about  adv.大约

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at work, put on, look after, play games with
1. Father says Lucy must her sister.
2. Lucy's sister can other children in the park.
3. Father says,“Lucy, go to your bedroom and your new dress in the box.”
4. Lucy's mother is .