
Passage 13Juliet's Birthday

        It is Juliet's birthday today. Her uncle says he will takeJuliet and her cousins to see a film. They drive to the cinema. The children are very excited.

        When they get to the cinema, they see a long queue at the ticket booth. Her uncle joins the queue to get thetickets for the film. He tells Juliet and her cousins to buy something to eat. They go to a shop nearby. Juliet buys a box of popcorn. Hercousins buy some chocolates and some drinks.

        Soon her uncle has the tickets and they go into the cinema. They find their seats and sit down. After a while, the lights go off and the film begins.


cousin n.堂兄(妹)    excited adj. 激动的    cineman.电影院    queuen.队:队列    ticket booth售票厅

joinv.加入    popcorn n.爆米花


1. Today is  birthday.
2. Juliet's uncle says he will take Juliet and her cousins to .
3. When they get to the cinema, they see  at the ticket booth.
4. Juliet and her cousins go to at a shop nearby.
5. After they go into the cinema for a while, the lights  and the film begins.