
Passage 37  Hangzhou

        Hangzhou is a nice place. There are four seasons in a year init.

        In spring the weather is warm and windy. I can fly kites and plant trees.

        In summer it's hot. I can swim in the lake and eat ice creams.

        In fall it's cool and warm. I can go hiking andclimb mountains. I can eat a lot.

        In winter it's very cold. I can make a snowmanwith my friends, go skating and play with snow.

        In Hangzhou I like spring best. Because the sky isvery blue and the leaves are green. And I can row theboat in the West Lake.

生词榜: season  n.季节;    weather  n.天气;    ice cream冰激凌;    cool  adj.凉爽的;    hike  v.远足;    skate  v.滑冰

练一练: 根据短文内容填空。

1. In spring the weather is in Hangzhou.
2. In summer I can eat .
3. In fallI can go .
4. In Hangzhou I like  best.
5. In Winter, I can , and .