
Passage 34Do You Want Me to Tell a Lie?

Dick is eight years old. He is polite. I's Saturday today. Dick, his sister and his mother stay at home. He iswatching TV and his sister is doing her homework.

At ten his father comes back with a bag of apples.Dick likes apples very much and he wants to eat one.His mother gives him four apples and says,“Go to washthem in the kitchen.”

Dick washes the apples and then gives them to his mother. His mothersays,“Which apple do you want, Dick?"

"The biggest one, Mummy."

“What?" says his mother.“You should be polite and want the smallest one."

“Should I tell a lie just to be polite, Mummy?"

生词榜:  polite  adj. 有礼貌的    lie  n.谎言    wash  v.洗    lkitchen  n.厨房  


( )1.How old is Dick?
A. Six.
B. Five.
C. Seven.
D. Eight.
( ) 2. How many people are there in Dick's family?
A. Six.
B. Five.
C. Four.
D. Eight.
( ) 3. What kind of fruit does Dick's father come back with?
A. Apples.
B. Bananas.
C. Oranges.
D. Pears.
( ) 4. Dick washes the apples and then gives them ____ his mother.
A. to
B. for
C. with
D. on
( ) 5. Dick's mother thinks Dick should be ____.
A. hard
B. polite
C. kind
D. friendly