小学英语听力+阅读理解专项训练(中级)—5036 The Sports Festival

Passage 36The Sports Festival

It is Sports Festival today. The students of ChunleiPrimary School are all on the playground.

Some of them are having matches. Some of themare watching. Look, John and Yang Ling are running.John is running faster than Yang Ling. Liu Tao and David are jumping. Liu Tao jumps higher than some of theboys in his class, but David jumps higher than him. Mikeand Tom are doing the long jump now. Who jumps farther, Mike or Tom? Oh,Mike is jumping two centimeters farther than Tom!

AlI the students look very happy.

生词榜:  festival  n.节日;    primary school小学;    playground n.操场;    match  v.比赛;    jump v.跳;    centimeter  n.厘米

练一练: 根据短文内容选择正确答案。

( ) 1. Where are the students of Chunlei Primary School today?
A. On the playground.
B. In the class.
C. Outside the school.
D. At the cinema.
( ) 2. What are John and Yang Ling doing?
A. Studying.
B. Playing.
C. Running.
D. Jumping.
( ) 3. Who jumps higher than Liu Tao?
A. David.
B. John.
C. Mike.
D. Tom.
( ) 4. Mike jumps ___ centimeters farther than Tom.
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five