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1. IOP出版社的内容使用平台是?()
A. https://ioppublishing.org/
B. https://iop.org
C. http://cn.editing.iopscience.iop.org/
D. https://iopscience.iop.org/
2. IOP出版社的出版物包括?()
A. 期刊和会议录
B. 期刊和电子书
C. 期刊和会员杂志
D. 期刊、电子书、会议录和会员杂志
3. IOP subject collections目前提供多少个学科的内容 ()
A. 8
B. 10
C. 13
D. 15
4. 以下IOP期刊中最新影响因子为17.264的期刊是?()
A. Reports on Progress in Physics
B. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
C. Biofabrication
D. 2D Materials
5. IOP历史最为悠久的期刊是以下那本?()
A. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London
B. Transactions of the Optical Society
C. The Astronomical Journal
D. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
6. IOP出版社与中国物理学会合作出版的期刊有多少种?()
A. 4种
B. 8种
C. 6种
D. 10种
7. IOP期刊《Reports on Progress in Physics》的下列文章中,下载次数最多的是?()
A. Quantum information in holographic duality
B. Active optical metasurfaces: comprehensive review on physics, mechanisms, and prospective applications
C. Quantum information processing with superconducting circuits: a review
D. A review of metasurfaces: physics and applications
8. Natalie Briggs是下列哪篇论文的作者之一?()
A. Visualization of point defects in ultrathin layered 1T-PtSe2
B. Electronic structure and magnetic properties of few-layer Cr2Ge2Te6: the key role of nonlocal electron–electron interaction effects
C. Photosensitizer and anticancer drug-loaded 2D nanosheet: Preparation, stability and anticancer property
D. A roadmap for electronic grade 2D materials
9. 下列哪篇论文提到了公式M¨x+Γ˙x=−U′(x)+Fd(t)+F+√2ΓkBTξ(t) ()
A. Fluorescence enhancement of monodisperse carbon nanodots treated with aqueous ammonia and hydrogen peroxide
B. Enhanced bioactivity of titanium-coated polyetheretherketone implants created by a high-temperature 3D printing process
C. Coexistence of absolute negative mobility and anomalous diffusion
D. 以上三个都没提到
10. 下列哪篇综述论文的出版年份不是2022年?()
A. Properties and applications of boron nitride nanotubes
B. Global perspectives of the bulk electronic structure of URu2Si2 from angle-resolved photoemission
C. Organofluorine chemistry: promising growth areas and challenges
D. Anti-fungal therapy via incorporation of nanostructures: A systematic review for new dimensions
11. 下列哪篇论文是出版在IOP期刊《inverse Problem》上的?()
A. A smooth version of Johnson's problem on derivations of group algebras
B. Parameter identification in a structured population model
C. The emergence of 3D bioprinting in organ-on-chip systems
D. Examples of solution of the inverse scattering problem and the equations of the Novikov–Veselov hierarchy from the scattering data of point potentials
12. 在IOPscience平台上,电子书可以按照以下几个主题进行进一步筛选?()
A. 3
B. 6
C. 17
D. 25
13. IOP电子书《Confocal Microscopy》的作者是?()
A. Jian Liu and Jiubin Tan
B. Simon Portegies Zwart and Steve McMillan
C. J S Faulkner, G Malcolm Stocks and Yang Wang
D. W R Matson
14. IOP电子书《Gas-Phase Chemistry in Space》的第一章节中出现了以下哪张图片?()
15. 科学家们正在通过使用接近光速的速度碰撞重离子,来探索我们的物理世界和宇宙之初的状态。在IOP电子书《A Short Course on Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions》中,下列哪种基本粒子没有被包含在图表1.1中?()
A. p
B. d
C. Ve
D. Vt
16. 所示图片出现在以下哪本书中?()
A. 《Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics》
B. 《Anthropomorphic Phantoms in Image Quality and Patient Dose Optimization》
C. 《The Statistical Eyeglasses》
D. 《The Possibility of Earthquake Forecasting》
17. 以下IOP电子书中有内置视频的一本书是?()
A. 《Semiconductors》
B. 《Sonic Thunder》
C. 《Transport in Semiconductor Mesoscopic Devices》
D. 《Nanoparticle (NP)-Based Delivery Vehicles》
18. 以下哪本图书没有Meet the author webinar?()
A. Nuclear Materials Science
B. Astrophysics of Red Supergiants
C. Sun Protection: A risk management approach
D. Gas-Phase Chemistry in Space: From elementary particles to complex organic molecules
19. 以下哪本图书可以向IOP索取lecture slides?()
A. Understanding Stellar Evolution
B. Astrophysics of Red Supergiants
C. Lectures on the Physics of Extreme States of Matter
D. Principles of Protein–Protein Association
20. 以下哪本图书中包含interactive graphic (交互式图表,可通过查看图标下方的"start interact" 按钮来辨别)? ()【多选题】
A. Rydberg Physics
B. Classical Mechanics, Volume 5
C. Statistical Mechanics: Lecture notes
D. Hubble Deep Field and the Distant Universe
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