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Which of the following structures does not locate in the superficial fascia?
Superficial artery and vein
Cutaneous nerve
Facial muscles
Masticatory muscles
Superficial lymphatic vessels and superficial lymph nodes
For the clavipectoral fascia which of the following is not correct?
The deep fascia among the coronoid process, subclavius and pectoralis minor.
The medial pectoral nerve passes through it.
The cephalic vein passes through it.
The lateral pectoral nerve passes through it.
The thoracoacromial artery passes through it.
The cervical plexus gives off the following branches except
Greater occipital nerve
Transverse nerve of neck
Greater auricular nerve
Phrenic nerve
Supraclavicular nerve
In the clinic which layer is named as dangerous area of the skull?
superficial fascia
Galea aponeurotica (epicranial aponeurosis)
subaponeurotic areolar tissue (subaponeurosis loose connective tissue)
The investing layer of deep fascia of the neck does not form
Carotid sheath
Trapezius sheath
Sternocleidomastoid sheath
Suprasternal space
Parotid gland capsule
Which description is wrong?
the cephalic vein accompany with the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve
the greater saphenous vein accompany with saphenous nerve
median cubital vein accompany with median nerve
the small saphenous vein accompany with sural nerve
the basilic vein accompany with the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
Which nerve is possible to be damaged after fracture of surgical neck of humerus?
Median nerve
Axillary nerve
Ulnar nerve
Radial nerve
Musculocutaneous nerve
The carpal canal contains the following structures except:
Tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis
Tendons of flexor disitorum profundus
Median nerve
Tendon of flexor pollicis longus
Radial nerve
Which vein is not the tributary of great saphenous vein?
Superficial epigastric vein
Superficial iliac circumflex vein
Superficial internal pudendal veins
Superficial lateral femoral vein
Superficial medial femoral vein
Which nerve runs accompanying the superior thyroid artery?
External branch of superior laryngeal nerve
Internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve
Inferior laryngeal nerve
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Phrenic nerve
The submandibular triangle contains the following structures except?
facial vein
hypoglossal nerve
submandibular gland
vagus nerve
lingual artery
The carotid sheath contains the following structures except
Common carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
Vagus nerve
Cervical sympathetic chain
Internal jugular vein
The swelling thyroid gland will oppress the adjacent structures to cause the following symptoms except?
swallow difficult
dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing)
ptosis of upper lid
mydriasis (i.e., dilation of pupil)
What kinds of structures will be dissected from superficial to the deep layer during the tracheotomy? What structures should be avoided to be damaged? For emergency, what can we do to temporarily open the airway except the tracheotomy?
A 24-year-old football player was taken to the emergency room after receiving a blow to the left leg that resulted in severe pain and inability to stand up. The attending physician was able to locate a very painful area just below the knee and suspected a fracture to the fibula. He ordered a plain AP and lateral x-ray of the leg and knee. A clear spiral fracture in the left fibular neck was shown on the x-ray. The patient was given a thorough neurological examination. A plaster cast was applied, and the patient had to be in hospital.
Questions to consider:
1)Which nerve is most likely to be injured in such incidents?
2)What would the doctor look for to confirm nerve injury? (Hint: what functions of the foot are lost? which muscles of the leg are paralysed?)