
1. Their profits have grown rapidly in recent years, and this upward ____ is expected to continue.
A) action
C) tendency
B) increase
D) movement
2. There have been some small ____ in the past year, but by and large prices have remained stable.
C) deductions
A) limitations
D) fluctuations
B) demonstrations
3. It’s strange that many countries permit cigarette companies to advertise their products in magazines and newspapers, and yet they ____ cigarette commercials on TV.
A) prevent
C) ban
B) forbid
D) keep
4. You should be very ____ to your teachers for their generous help.
D) grateful
B) thanking
C) considerate
A) satisfactory
5. It is evident that children need more praise than criticism, which many experts say will ____ their confidence and self-respect.
D) undermine
C) undercharge
A) undercut
B) undertake
6. The new floor wax being in trial manufacture in our plant is supposed to ____ continual passing to and from.
C) stand for
B) stand out
A) stand up to
D) stand up for
7. I dare to say, without any fear of ____, that they are all pretty pleased about your decision.
D) contribution
C) conservation
A) contraction
B) contradiction
8. Against such a well-trained professional team, I’m afraid our chances of winning the game are pretty ____.
D) helpless
B) weak
A) noticeable
C) slim
9. After making observations for a week in the plant, the researcher made many very ____ suggestions in an oral report to the manager.
B) constructive
C) definite
D) generous
A) sensitive
10. We’ll ____ you for any damage done to your house while we are in it.
C) supplement
B) remedy
A) compensate
D) return
11. In hot weather fresh milk quickly turns ____.
D) sour
A) bitter
C) sore
B) acid
12. She ____ and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom.
A) slipped
B) skated
C) split
D) spilt
13. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become ____.
D) harmed
C) spoiled
B) damaged
A) hurt
14. Children are ____ to have some accidents as they grow up.
D) doubtless
A) obvious
B) indispensable
C) bound
15. He made such a ____ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new building after him.
B) minimum
A) generous
C) modest
D) genuine
16. The new tourist hotel will have ____ for more than one thousand people.
A) conveniences
D) capacities
C) capabilities
B) accommodations
17. I don’t think you can ____ anything from the limited evidence you have.
B) imply
A) impact
D) refer
C) infer
18. The forecast predicted ____ weather with snow, sunshine, wind and thunder and that is just what we have had.
D) distinct
C) differing
B) various
A) variable
19. They finally agreed to ____ their argument ____ an impartial arbitrator.
D) subscribe … to
A) submit … to
B) subject … to
C) substitute … for
20. We did not send you an invitation, as we took it for ____ that you would be coming.
D) consented
C) awarded
B) granted
A) obliged
21. In your days at school you’ll be given a test to help the teacher to ____ you to a class at your level.
A) locate
B) assign
D) place
C) deliver
22. This country is ____ desert.
B) largely
C) exclusively
D) exceedingly
A) greatly
23. Mr. Smith had an unusual ____: he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher.
D) position
B) occupation
A) profession
C) career
24. The mayor is a woman with great ____ and therefore deserves our political and financial support.
B) instinct
C) integrity
D) intensity
A) intention
25. We were pleased to note that the early morning delivery didn’t ____ to the traffic jam of the busy city.
A) aid
C) add
D) attribute
B) amount
26. The system was redesigned to embrace the network and eventually ____ it in a profitable direction.
B) control
D) steer
A) adapt
C) install
27. When I ____ my senses, I found myself wrapped up in bed in my little room, with Grandma bending over me.
C) picked up
B) took to
D) came to
A) woke up
28. He took the eight o’clock non-stop ____ from Paris to New York.
B) flight
A) trip
D) voyage
C) journey
29. At first, the ____ of color pictures over a long distance seemed impossible, but, with painstaking efforts and at great expense, it became a reality.
D) transition
B) transmission
C) transformation
A) transaction
30. He ____ to climb the steep cliff but after only a few minutes decided it would be too dangerous.
A) risked
C) attempted
B) dared
D) practiced
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