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1. Inquiries ____ the condition of the patients may be made personally or by telephone.
A) revealing
D) following
B) concerning
C) affecting
2. The kitchen was small and ____ so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty.
A) conventional
B) compatible
C) compact
D) concise
3. The tomato juice left a brown ____ on the front of my jacket.
B) trace
D) point
C) spot
A) track
4. A parent may ____ his child to do his lessons by threatening to suspend his allowance.
C) exert
B) promote
D) impose
A) compel
5. ____ of all the staff, I would like to wish you a happy retirement.
C) On behalf
A) In honor
D) On account
B) In place
6. We found a(n) ____ to the mystery.
D) clue
C) indicator
A) track
B) possibility
7. Try to be ____ when you refuse her invitation, so as not to cause bad feeling.
C) realistic
B) diplomatic
D) fascinating
A) generous
8. I think her ideas are right, but ____ I’m not completely sure.
C) somewhere
D) sometime
A) somehow
B) somewhat
9. Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, ____ they have no schedules to keep.
C) for
A) even though
D) since
B) as if
10. The child’s cold, hungry, and tired, so of course he’s feeling ____.
A) embarrassed
C) disappointed
D) awkward
B) miserable
11. Although he is rich and famous, he lives in a ____ house in the village.
B) modest
A) limited
C) slight
D) reserved
12. Some fish have a greater ____ for acid water than others.
A) persistence
B) dependence
C) resistance
D) tolerance
13. The factory strike was settled when the union and management reached a ____ on the question of wages.
C) compromise
A) bargain
B) harmony
D) comprehension
14. There is a ____ difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environment.
B) subtle
A) gentle
D) humble
C) weak
15. We must look beyond ____ and assumptions and try to discover what is missing.
A) justifications
B) illusions
C) manifestations
D) specifications
16. A family has ____ affection when each person likes the others and is liked by them.
B) joint
A) respective
C) corresponding
D) mutual
17. This new printer is ____ with all leading software.
A) compatible
D) comparable
B) competitive
C) cooperative
18. The best rooms in the hotel ____ the bay.
A) view
C) overlook
D) examine
B) regard
19. When he tried to make a ____, he found that the hotel he wanted was completely filled because of a convention.
D) decision
C) reservation
A) complaint
B) claim
20. There is no ____ that the new agricultural policy has been in any way disasters.
B) information
C) exhibition
D) demonstration
A) indication
21. His sheltered childhood life had left him unprepared for the ____ realities of adult life.
C) serious
B) harsh
D) controversial
A) strict
22. Don’t ____ to contact me if you need any more information.
C) hesitate
D) frighten
B) postpone
A) pause
23. The football match had to be ____ owing to the bad weather.
C) arranged
B) advanced
D) held
A) cancelled
24. She ____ from the report to support her point.
B) repeated
D) quoted
C) sought
A) derived
25. He made a ____ to build a successful business on his own in this district.
D) resolution
B) hint
C) perspective
A) disposal
26. The economic crises in that country have threatened the ____ of the government.
A) stability
D) permanence
B) capability
C) persistence
27. It took him several months to ____ the wild horse.
B) cultivate
A) tend
D) tame
C) breed
28. The manager lost his ____ just because his secretary was ten minutes late.
A) mood
B) temper
D) passion
C) mind
29. When I caught him ____ I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.
C) to cheat
A) cheating
B) cheat
D) to be cheating
30. You see the lightning ____ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.
D) in an instant
A) the instant
B) for an instant
C) on the instant
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