
* 基本信息:
第一部分 教育基础知识(40分)

* 1.在1951年提出“范例教学”的是()。
* 2.终身教育思潮的主要代表人物是()。
* 3.心理辅导的目标有两个:一是学会调适;二是()。
* 4.关于师生关系的理论中,“儿童中心论”的代表人物是()。
* 5.教学评价的结果,不仅可以为教师判定教学状况提供大量的反馈信息,而且也可以为学生了解自己学习的好坏优劣提供直接的反馈信息。这说明教学评价具有()的功能。
* 6.教师“双目微眯,嘴角微翘,面露微笑”是表示()的面势语,是教师在工作中的表情常态。
* 7.在下列教学组织形式中,有利于高效率、大面积培养学生的是()。
* 8.教学过程阶段理论形成的标志是()。
* 9.《学记》中提出的“杂施而不孙,则坏乱而不修”,体现的教学原则是()。
* 10.教育改革的核心是()。
* 11.校本课程开发的主体是()。
* 12.不符合新课程下教师新角色的是()。
* 13.王同学私自拿水果摊上的一只苹果,经同学揭发,被老师叫到了办公室,老师问答:“王同学,你私自拿了别人的东西,这已经是第几次了?”王同学低头回答说:“第五次了”。“你为什么不改呢?”“我也知道不对,就是有时忍不住、老师应该从()。
* 14.教师采用贴小红星、小红花等形式鼓励学生的德育方法是()。
* 15.致力于发展学生道德判断能力的德育模式是()。
* 16.训练班级成员自己管理自己、自己教育自己、自主开展活动的最好载体是()。
* 17.游览过八达岭长城的人,头脑中重现长城的形象是()。
* 18.新教师上讲台慌乱属于()。
* 19.某人在商场购物时,既喜欢质量高的商品,又嫌价钱太贵。这种心理冲突属于()。
* 20.个体倾向于利用自己身体或内部参照作为信息加工依据的学习风格是()。
* 21.北方人比较豪爽、耿直,南方人比较精明、细腻。这种区分是()。
* 22.汽车司机在驾驶时能够熟练做到眼耳手脚并用,这种注意特性是()。
* 23.某学生的反应性低,情感和行为迟缓,稳定,缺乏灵活性,注意稳定持久,办事谨慎细致,这种气质属于()。
* 24.儿童的思维已经超越了对具体的可感知的事物的依赖,能以命题的形式进行,并能发现命题之间的关系,能理解符号的意义,能作一定的概括,思维已经接近成人的水平。这在皮亚杰儿童智力发展阶段中属于()。
* 25.学生学习“功=力×距离”,这种学习属于()。
* 26.按照加涅的学习结果分类观点,了解自己的学习特点并能适时调节学习进程的学生具备了较高水平的()。
* 27.教师最核心的职业素养与任务是()。
* 28.体现教师追求真理、探索真理、捍卫真理的科学精神的优秀品质是()。
* 29.我国()规定:学校,幼儿园,托儿所的教职工应当尊重未成年人的人格尊严,不得对未成年人实施体罚,变相体罚或者其他侮辱人格尊严的行为。
* 30.《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》提出,未来十年国家教育发展的强大动力是()。
* 1.教育对文化的作用主要表现在()。 【多选题】
* 2.课堂观察的范围包括()。 【多选题】
* 3.为避免灌输与说教而大量使用道德问题情境激发学生角色认知和主动思考的德育模式包括()。 【多选题】
* 4.中小学教学的基本任务有()。 【多选题】
* 5.根据《教育法》、《教师法》对我国现阶段教师的权利做出的具体规定,教师享有的权利有()。 【多选题】
* 6.知觉的特性包括()。 【多选题】
* 7.马斯洛需要层次理论中包括()。 【多选题】
* 8.根据归因理论的观点,有利于激发学生学习动机的做法是:使学生看到()。 【多选题】
* 9.下列情形中属于教师利用负惩罚来规范学生行为的是()。 【多选题】
* 10.职业倦怠的典型特征主要表现为()。 【多选题】
* 1.学校教育对个体发展的影响具有即时价值但难以具有延时价值。
* 2.教师职业道德建设应重“自律”而轻“他律”。
* 3.素质教育的重点是培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。
* 4.常言道,做事先做人,因此学校的中心工作是德育。
* 5.根据埃里克森的人格发展阶段论,中学生人格发展的主要任务是培养自主性。
* 6.陈述性知识的表征形式有命题和命题网络,程序性知识的表征形式有产生式系统。
* 7.备课是上好课的先决条件,备课就是要将精力全部放在备教材上。
* 8.做好个别教育工作是指要做好优秀生的教育工作和后进生转化工作。
* 9.阈限越小表明感受性越差。
* 10.学生在教科书上用水彩笔画出重点,这是学习中运用知觉的理解性规律。




第二部分 学科专业知识(60分)

* 1. Difficulties strengthen the mind, _____ labor does the body.()
* 2. --- Peter is always careless.
    --- Don’t _____ others, there is no perfect person.
* 3. Life is always full of hardships. _____ a better life, we need positive energy.
* 4. --- I wonder if you _____ a picnic tomorrow.
    --- Yes. But if it _____, we’ll visit the museum instead.
* 5. --- He walked such a long way just to tell us the result.
   --- Oh, he needn’t come _____.
* 6. --- I like to go the English corner every Thursday afternoon.
    --- _____. It’s interesting.
* 7. In the last year alone, more than 260 types of animals disappeared or became more _____.
* 8. Teenagers would rather _____ phone calls while businessman prefer _____ e-mails to communicate with each other.()
* 9. The little girl ______ the dolls ______ that。
* 10. The task is so hard for me. I don’t know _____.

How to get rid of waste is a great problem for the world today. Waste must be treated __11__ it does not become a danger to life. Unfortunately, in some countries, waste from factories is still poured straight into rivers. People who use the water from one of these rivers often get sick. The water may become so polluted that it __12__ all the fish in the river. When these rivers finally reach the sea, it pollutes the ocean.
In many countries with sea coasts, human waste is piped directly into the sea without being dealt with. This is not __13__. Although the sea itself can break up the waste, beaches __14__ become polluted. __15__ scientists suggest people take the waste far out to sea in ships where the wind and waves break it down.
In 1989 an international law was passed to __16__ people putting waste into the sea. It is now against the __17__ to put anything into the sea nearby. Such rubbish as plastics may not be thrown __18__ the sea anywhere. Other waste may be put into the sea, either 19 or more than 40 kilometers from land, __19__ the nature of the materials.
The problem of dealing with waste has become so great that several international organizations have been __20__ to protect the world and control pollution.
* 11. 请选择最合适的一项()
* 12. 请选择最合适的一项()
* 13. 请选择最合适的一项()
* 14. 请选择最合适的一项()
* 15. 请选择最合适的一项()
* 16. 请选择最合适的一项()
* 17. 请选择最合适的一项()
* 18. 请选择最合适的一项()
* 19. 请选择最合适的一项()
* 20. 请选择最合适的一项()
In the early days of nuclear power, the United States make money on it. But today opponents (反对者) have so complicated its development that no nuclear plants have been ordered or built here in 12 years.
The greatest fear of nuclear power opponents has always been a reactor “meltdown”. Today, the chances of a meltdown that would threaten U. S. public health are very little. But to even further reduce the possibility, engineers are testing new reactors that rely not on human judgment to shut them down but on the laws of nature. Now General Electric is already building two advanced reactors in Japan. But don’t expect them even on U. S. shores unless things change in Washington.
The procedure for licensing nuclear power plants is a bad dream. Any time during, or even after, construction, an objection by any group or individual can bring everything to a halt while the matter is investigated or taken to court. Meanwhile, the builder must add nice-but-not-necessary improvements, some of which force him to knock down walls and start over. In every case when a plant has been opposed, the Nuclear Regulation Commission has ultimately granted a license to construct or operate. But the victory often costs so much that the utility ends up abandoning the plant anyway.
A case in point is the Shoreham plant on New York’s Long Island. Shoreham was a virtual twin to the Millstone plant in Connecticut, both ordered in the mid-60’s. Millstone, completed for $ 101 million, has been generating electricity for two decades. Shoreham, however, was singled out by antinuclear activists who, by sending in endless protests, drove the cost over $ 5 billion and delayed its use for many years.
Shoreham finally won its operation license. But the plant has never produced a watt power. Governor Mario Cuomo, an opponent of a Shoreham start up, used his power to force New York’s public-utilities commission to accept the following settlement: the power company could pass the cost of Shoreham along to its consumers only if it agreed not to operate the plant. Today, a perfectly good facility, capable of servicing hundreds of thousands of homes, sits rusting.
* 21.The author’s attitude toward the development of nuclear power is_____.()
* 22.What has made the procedure for licensing nuclear power plants a bad dream?()
* 23.It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that_____.()
* 24. Governor Mario Cuomo’s chief intention in proposing the settlement was to_____.()
* 25. The phrase “single out” is closest in meaning to_____.()
Just as some people think that certain numbers are lucky or unlucky, others believe that we can use numbers to understand our personalities, or predict what will happen to us in the future.
Numerology is a way of using numbers to describe a person’s character, and to make predictions about future life events. Numerologists use the numbers 1-9, 11 and 22 — also known as the “master” numbers — to help a person understand his or her personality, life goals, and destiny.
Numerologists consider your Life Path number to be the most significant because this number describes your character. To find this number, add together all the numbers in your date of birth. For example, a person born on April 25, 1985 would add the month (4), to the numbers of the date (2+5), plus the numbers of the birth year (1+9+8+5). In this case the total is 34, so this person’s life path number is 7(3+4). Numerologists believe that people with this number are peaceful and affectionate but can also be very reserved.
Your Expression number describes your talents and predicts how you should use these to fulfill your destiny in life. Numerologists assign a number between 1 and 9 to each of the letters in your name. These numbers are then added together in the same way as before to find your Expression number. Numerologists can also do calculations to predict when the most challenging periods of your life will be.
Numerologists also believe that the day a person is born is important. Each day of the month has a character description. People born on the fourth are said to be responsible, honest, and stubborn. People born on the fifteenth have very strong attachments to family and home. Those who celebrate their birthday on the thirtieth are artistic, creative, and imaginative, and often make good writers.
If we calculate the numerical value of our name and birth date, numerologists believe that we can learn more about our personalities. They also believe that we can predict our destinies, how our lives will progress, and what challenges we may face along the way. To the numerologist, numbers can be used in many more ways than we think.
* 26. If a person was born on November 8, 1995, what is his Life Path number? ()
* 27. To understand your abilities and how to use them in your life, you should calculate your _____.()
* 28. According to the passage, a person born on the fifteenth tends to be _____.()
* 29. According to the passage, numerologists believe that _____.()
* 30. The function of the passage is _____.()
Little Tommy was doing very badly in math. His parents had tried everything—tutors (家庭教师), cards, special learning centers—in short, everything they could think of. Finally they took Tommy to a catholic (天主教的) school.
After the first day, little Tommy came home with a very serious look on his face. He didn’t kiss his mother hello. Instead, he went straight to his room and started studying. Books and papers were spread (铺开) out all over the room and little Tommy was hard at work. His mother was surprised. She called him down to dinner and as soon as he finished eating, he went back to his room, without a word. In no time he was back hitting the books as hard as before. This went on for some time, day after day while the mother tried to understand what was happening.
Finally, little Tommy brought home his report card. He quietly put it on the table and went up to his room and hit the books. His mom looked at it and to her surprise, little Tommy got an A in math. She could no longer hold her curiosity (好奇心). She went to his room and asked, “Son, what was it? Was it the nuns (修女)?”
Little Tommy looked at her and shook his head, “No. ”
“Well then,” she asked again. “WHAT was it?”
Little Tommy looked at her and said, “Well, on the first day of school, when I saw that man nailed (钉) to the plus sign (加号), I knew they weren’t joking. ”
* 31. Why did Tommy’s parents send him to a catholic school?()
* 32.Tommy’s mother felt surprised that his son _______.()
* 33.“Hitting the books” means “_______” in Chinese.()
* 34. The last sentence in the passage shows that _______.()
* 35.From the passage, we can infer (推断) that _______.()

请你根据对上面这幅漫画的理解,以Come Back to Reality为题,用英语写一篇作文。
1. 简要描述漫画的内容。
2. 概述你对这幅图的理解。
3. 举例说明你会怎样做。
1. 可参照漫画适当发挥。
2. 作文词数150左右。
3. 作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息。
Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?
Section A

1a Match the activities with the pictures [a-g].
1. stayed at home _____ 5. went to the mountains _____
2. went to New York City _____ 6. went to the beach _____
3. visited my uncle _____ 7. visited museum _____
4. went to summer camp _____
1b Listen and number the people in the picture [1-5]
1. Tina 2. Xiang Hua 3. Sally 4. Bob 5. Tom
1c Make conversations about the people in the picture.
A: Where did Tina go on vacation?
B: She went to the mountains.

Teaching Plan
I. Teaching aims/objects/goals:

II. Teaching important points:

III. Teaching difficult points:

VI. Teaching procedures:

V. Blackboard design:
