多维阅读 14级 This is a wildfire

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What can start a wildfire? 【多选题】
What does a wildfire need to keep it burning? 【多选题】
What are the dangers of a wildfire? 【多选题】
Why did we call Jilly ‘a lucky kangaroo’?
Why did many animals die in wildfires?
Use the following words to complete the sentences.(6-10)
spark    bandages    rescue centre    lightning    shelter
Wait a minute, you need to change              for the hurt leg
The big tree gave us a              from the heavy rain.
Sometimes a little              can start a big wildfire.
The tree was hit by              in a heavy rain.
The tree was hit by            in a heavy rain.
Use the correct forms of the words to complete the sentences.(11-15)
burn     alive     search for     fuel     get away.
Trees and dry grass are very good              for a fire.
Many people and animals get              or die in wildfires.
Jilly, the kangaroo was found              after the wildfire.
 Sometimes animals that survived a wildfire have to travel a long way              food and water.
 Sometimes people can              quickly because they are told that there is a wildfire near their homes.